
Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic: Airfyers, Rice Cookers & Vegan Mayo


Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic discuss one of the most necessary components of life, food. As food lovers there are many things that satisfy our taste buds.

Notably, we talk about Red-Eye’s new airfryer and all of the delicious concoctions that have emerged fresh and crispy, Erratic’s new rice cooker used for… well… rice. Erratic has also found several delicious dairy and egg-free mayonnaises suitable for those with a plant-based and vegan diet. The future of food makes you contemplate what will the world showcase next? Sometimes, we even think about food so much that we forget to actually eat! Peanuts for dinner anyone?

Join us in discussing flavors that feed the soul, devices used to make cooking life easy peasy lemon squeezy, and don’t forget the most important thing… COMMENT your favorite foods, machines, and flavors that help fill your belly with undeniable comfort and satisfaction.

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#podcast #food #airfryer #ricecooker #mayonnaise #delicious #tasty #scrumptious #vegan #comment — This episode is sponsored by ยท Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.