
Mime or Comedian? Would You Rather! – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic consider the unreasonable in this round of Would You Rather? There are many events that would be unfavorable, but, if faced with a choice between two situations, which one would you pick? Sometimes the answer comes easier than others.

Join us in playing! Would you rather nosy or noisy neighbors? How about picking a surely unsuccessful profession? Singing or dancing instead of walking or talking? Losing keys over phones? Tall or small? Let us know all your answers!

#Podcast #Game #WouldYouRather #Playing #Questions #Answers #Tall #Small #Rather #Dance #Sing #Nosy #Noisy #Neighbors #Keys #Phones #Losing #Socks #Pause #TV #Rewind #Hair #Bald #Mime #Comedian #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


Transportation Troubles and Hospitalized Struggles – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic are back again after an unexpected turn of events. Red-Eye has found himself stranded in an uncomfortable situation while being all sorts of tested on. Even still, the mysteries of where this situation stemmed from are still evasive and unknown. On the other hand, in a shorter term happenstance, Erratic experiences his own bout of being stranded while waiting, and waiting… and waiting for public transport. Eventually he finds his way back after persevering through several delays. Although there are obstacles in the world, both co-hosts still manage to find time to watch the new live action One Piece.

Join us in our discussion! Have you found yourself stuck in a situation you couldn’t escape from before? Did you think that the situation would never end? How did you finally make your way out? And let’s not forget a crucial question, have you watched the live action One Piece? Let us know!

#Podcast #Stuck #Stranded #Kept #LockedUp #Hospital #Hospitalized #Medical #Emergency #Illness #News #Hurricane #ASMR #Reporter #Food #Gross #Travel #Transport #Metro #Train #OnePiece #LiveAction #Netflix #Watching #TV #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


Phones, Moves, and Frosty Foods – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic talk about whatever comes to mind. From mobile phone issues, moving houses and countries, and even issues with the freezer, many aspects of life has its inconveniences. And with those inconveniences come stories to pass down for generations to come. There’s no end to the nature of happenings and circumstances.

Join us in our discussion! What’s the worst way you’ve ever lost a phone? How many times have you moved? How many different countries have you lived in? Were there situations in which you had to give up all your material possessions when moving? Have you ever left your freezer open all night? Let us know everything!

#Podcast #Phone #Telephone #Mobile #Crack #Broken #Screen #Moving #Traveling #Migrating #Experiencing #New #Stuff #WashingMachine #Fridge #Freezer #Food #Frozen #Deposit #BubbleWrap #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic #Subscription #Slippin #Fallin #Handlin


New Season: Who Dis? – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic are back in action! We’ve been on a break recently but we’re back talking about the many trials and tribulations that were endured during our absence. Erratic got a new job which has been nothing less than hectic. Red-Eye fights a fever and its dreams with much vigor and determination. And of course, we’re curious how every one of you have been?

Join us in our discussion! What have you done in the last month? Any illnesses or other inconveniences that you’ve been experiencing? How has the professional or school life been this past month? How has the weather been in your area this summer? Let us know everything!

#Podcast #Summer #Return #Back #Again #Job #Profession #Career #Team #CustomerService #Office #Sick #Illness #Cold #Flu #Fever #Healing #Recovery #Dreams #FeverDreams #Sleep #Sweat #Hydration #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic #Birthday #Friends


Friends, Dusty Mold & Summer Vibes – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic reminisce about friends in the past and also question people who contact after so many years, what exactly are they up to hmm? With that said, it’s still summer time, with beaches to be occupied (whether nude or not). Of course, this also means that many instances of little creatures are coming out and make their presence known throughout the world. Be sure to keep your home neat and tidy so there’s minimal intrusion by insects. Also wash your dishes!

Join us in our discussion! Have you been contacted by friends from ages ago? Were you the person to do the contacting? Are you enjoying the summer so far? Are you a beach attendee? Do you find insects breach your home far too often? What’s the longest you’ve gone without washing your dishes? Let us know! We’ll be back with more episodes after a few weeks. Enjoy the summer!

#Podcast #Summer #Vibes #Friends #Contact #Message #Reminisce #Past #Reminder #Dust #Mold #Wash #Dishes #Clean #Neat #Mosquitos #Spiders #Insects #Bugs #Toilet #Flush #Beach #Nude #Sun #Weather #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic #Sand


Allergies, Search History, And Songs of the Sirens

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic are back again with some more banter. Allergies are starting to hit us hard and allergy medicine isn’t doing its job like it used to. Aside from that, we briefly dive into the potential dips and turns that can be made during the game of telephone. Also, what would be the best way to combat songs causing confusion on the road when emergency alarms are included within the song itself?

Join us in our discussion! Do you suffer from allergies? How bad are they during the spring/summer time? Do you have a favorite brand of allergy medicine? Have you played the game of telephone? What’s the craziest difference between the initial phrase and the end result you have seen? If someone had to check your search history, what would they find? Have you ever been driving and heard a siren that you couldn’t tell whether it was a song or a real siren? Let us know!

#Podcast #Allergies #Medicine #Drowsy #Sleep #Recovery #Clogged #Sinus #Telephone #Game #Fun #Activity #Social #Group #Religion #God #Jod #Songs #Sirens #Alarms #Emergency #Ambulance #Police #Firefighter #Fire #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


Happy Meals, Trends & Thoughtful Presents – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic are back to the banter. In this episode we discuss trends, dates, some talk about items that we own, presents we get others, and a lot more. Find out Erratic’s most enjoyed content and discover Red-Eye’s hierarchy of his possessions. Maybe one day we will hop on a popular trend? Regardless, one thing is for certain, Happy Meals are incomparably the best food to have on a first date… right?

Join us in our discussion! What is a popular trend that irks you? What’s something that annoys you but is widely liked by most others? What’s the best first date attitude/place/meal? What are some impressive and expensive things that you own? And if you had to give a gift to someone who doesn’t need gifts, what would you give them? Let us know!

#Podcast #Discussion #Banter #Topics #Talking #Conversation #Trends #TikTok #Instagram #Dates #Love #Romance #McDonalds #HappyMeal #Delicious #Food #Gifts #Birthday #Billionaire #Rich #Flirty #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic #Appliances #Cost #Things


One Has to Go! Part 2 – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic are back with another rendition of the popular game One Has to Go where we pick one of 4 options to get rid of entirely. Which Anime are we getting rid of? Which drink? Are Tupac and Biggie safe from elimination? What about Queen and The Beatles? Even methods of cooking aren’t safe from being removed from existence in this game!

Join us in this activity! Which one of the options would you get rid of given the choice between Internet, Telephone, Cars, and the Printing Press? Do you agree with our decisions regarding which color has to leave? Perhaps you won’t like our choice when we decide to get rid of your favorite comedian. Let us know!

#Podcast #OneHasToGo #Game #Choices #BiggieSmalls #Anime #OnePiece #TheBeatles #Tupac #Bleach #Naruto #Internet #Queen #Beer #Wine #Liqour #Soda #Roasting #DeepFrying #PanFrying #Grilling #EddieMurphey #DaveChappelle #KevinHart #BillBurr #RickyGervais #JohnMulaney #LouisCK #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


More Questions and More Weird Answers – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic discuss answers to questions and then answer the questions themselves. Could you ever stay awake for an entire week straight? Imagine having an uncontrolled lucid dream. Have there been exaggerations that ended up being entirely feasible? Is it possible to outgrow everything? You may not believe some of the answers!

Join us in our discussion! What’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep? What’s the craziest lucid dream you’ve ever had? What’s something that you thought people were exaggerating about but turned out to be completely unexaggerated? What’s something you’ve never outgrown? What’s the best psychologically twisting movie there is? Let us know all your thoughts!

#Podcast #Questions #Answers #Sleep #Awake #Nights #Hallucinations #LucidDream #Dream #Exaggeration #Reasonable #Outgrown #Adult #Child #Movies #Entertainment #Reddit #Inception #ThePrestige #MrNobody #Days #Spoilers #Anime #Pillows #Cushion #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


Pour One Out for Potatoes – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

How many different ways are there to make potatoes? A lot. But which one is your absolute favorite? Is this even a question that can be answered? Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic discuss the boundless territory of potatoes then dive into other pertinent topics such as when the best time to eat Taco Bell is. On another note, when is “Pouring one out” for the homies appropriate? Would it be inside of a carpeted classroom? How about learning to drive a car, is it better to learn with a manual transmission or an automatic transmission?

Join us in our discussion! If you’ve learned to drive a car, did you learn with manual or automatic transmission? Have you ever poured one out for anyone? If so, was it inside a building? What was the liquid that was poured? Of course, we’ll need to know your favorite method of cooking potatoes. Do you prefer mashing, roasting, frying, one of the other variety of ways? Let us know everything!

#Podcast #Food #Potatoes #Frying #Mashing #Roasting #Boiling #Cajun #Seasoning #Flavor #FiveGuys #TacoBell #Office #Company #Bathroom #Time #Pour #OrangeJuice #Drink #Homies #Car #Transmission #Manual #Automatic #StickShift #Highway #Reverse #Gear #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic