
Pour One Out for Potatoes – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic

How many different ways are there to make potatoes? A lot. But which one is your absolute favorite? Is this even a question that can be answered? Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic discuss the boundless territory of potatoes then dive into other pertinent topics such as when the best time to eat Taco Bell is. On another note, when is “Pouring one out” for the homies appropriate? Would it be inside of a carpeted classroom? How about learning to drive a car, is it better to learn with a manual transmission or an automatic transmission?

Join us in our discussion! If you’ve learned to drive a car, did you learn with manual or automatic transmission? Have you ever poured one out for anyone? If so, was it inside a building? What was the liquid that was poured? Of course, we’ll need to know your favorite method of cooking potatoes. Do you prefer mashing, roasting, frying, one of the other variety of ways? Let us know everything!

#Podcast #Food #Potatoes #Frying #Mashing #Roasting #Boiling #Cajun #Seasoning #Flavor #FiveGuys #TacoBell #Office #Company #Bathroom #Time #Pour #OrangeJuice #Drink #Homies #Car #Transmission #Manual #Automatic #StickShift #Highway #Reverse #Gear #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic


July Ends: Raw Broccoli & Chicken Wings – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic


Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic close out the month of July with some more tasty celebrations. From simple bagels to fancy creme brûlées, we end July leaving our taste buds coated in delicious experiences. With National Chicken Wing Day on the 29th and Chicken Finger Day on the 27th, chicken remains to be a staple of the every day diet. Other savory foods that will be observed are the good ol’ chili dog and the ever-exhaustive lasagna. How many layers does it take to get to the gooey center of your lasagna? If it’s a pre-made lasagna, chances are it doesn’t even take one layer.

Let us know all of your observances and meals you will enjoy as August approaches! Do you like to eat plain steamed broccoli? How about raw broccoli? Any dips that go well with the multi-headed vegetable? How will you celebrate chicken wing and chicken finger day? Perhaps you have something in mind that pairs well with a brown liquor such as scotch. Or maybe you’ll go all out with a delectable creme brûlée. There’s also World Tofu Day that can be celebrated by everyone.

#Podcast #Food #Holiday #July #Month #Summer #Celebration #Observance #Enjoy #Delicious #Tasty #Scrumptious #Delectable #ChefsKiss #ChickenWings #ChiliDogs #CremeBrûlée #ChickenFinger #Broccoli #Vegetable #Raw #Seasoned #Lasagna #Pasta #Magma #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic #JellyBeans #Avocado #Cheesecake — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.


Jell-O Shots and Lavish Lunches – Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic


We are already almost halfway through July! As we proceed through time, more holidays and observations pass, so many that it’s hard to remember them all. Almost as if the mind is an Etch-A-Sketch, though it would be appropriate given today is Etch-A-Sketch day! If you decide to participate in National Eat Your Jell-O Day, you might have some similar experiences if they come with alcohol. One thing that wouldn’t be so forgettable is some delicious pecan pie that you can celebrate on the very same day. There are many treats to indulge in and several lavish meals during the month of July and we’re eager to hear what your summer days consist of!

Join us in our talk! Have you ever had an Etch-A-Sketch? If so, were you a master of turning the knobs or perhaps you were much like Erratic only being able to draw straight lines? Have you ever had Jell-O shots and if you have, did you experience a lot of inebriation? Have you ever experienced a blueberry muffin that reduced your level of sobriety? Did you know what tallow was? We sure didn’t! Let us know everything.

#Podcast #Food #Holiday #Month #July #Summer #Jello #PecanPie #Pie #Dessert #Beef #Tallow #BeefTallow #Fat #Muscle #Meat #Donuts #Vegan #PlantBased #Glazed #Muffins #Weed #High #Drunk #Shots #MacNCheese #Mojito #OrangeChicken #RedEye #ErraticAsthmatic — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. — Send in a voice message:



Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic: Airfyers, Rice Cookers & Vegan Mayo


Red-Eye and Erratic Asthmatic discuss one of the most necessary components of life, food. As food lovers there are many things that satisfy our taste buds.

Notably, we talk about Red-Eye’s new airfryer and all of the delicious concoctions that have emerged fresh and crispy, Erratic’s new rice cooker used for… well… rice. Erratic has also found several delicious dairy and egg-free mayonnaises suitable for those with a plant-based and vegan diet. The future of food makes you contemplate what will the world showcase next? Sometimes, we even think about food so much that we forget to actually eat! Peanuts for dinner anyone?

Join us in discussing flavors that feed the soul, devices used to make cooking life easy peasy lemon squeezy, and don’t forget the most important thing… COMMENT your favorite foods, machines, and flavors that help fill your belly with undeniable comfort and satisfaction.

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#podcast #food #airfryer #ricecooker #mayonnaise #delicious #tasty #scrumptious #vegan #comment — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.